Saturday, August 6, 2016


Gerund adalah suatu kata yang dibentuk dari verb (kata kerja) dengan ditambahkan suffix (akhiran) ing dan berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda).
A. The Use Of Gerund
    - Subject of a sentence
    - Direct Object
    - Subject Complement
    - Object of a preposition
    - Appositive

*Subject of a sentence
- Swimming is a good sport
- Studying is a must for every student
- Drawing is Dinda's hobby
Note: swimming, studying, and drawing are the subject of the sentences

*Direct Object
- I hate loving you so much
- You love sleeping in my room
- She misses having dinner with her boy friend
Note: loving, sleeping, and having are the direct object of the verb in each sentence

*Subject Complement
- Your hobby is singing
- My job is teaching
- What Anas wants is eating
Note: singing, teaching, and eating are the subject complement dari kata kerja is

*Object of a preposition
- Jessica talk about winning speech competition
- Dude buys some fruits for giving to Alysa
- Andien is busy of caring you
Note: winning is the object of preposition "about", giving is the object of preposition "for", and caring is the object of preposition "of".

Our daily obligation, studying, has to be done everyday
-My favorite job, broadcasting, is very interesting
-Students weekly activity, gardening, gives so many benefits
Note : studying, broadcasting, and gardening are the appositives


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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