Thursday, August 11, 2016

Dear, My Heart

Hati, bersabarlah dalam segala hal. Jadilah kuat agar kau tak mudah terjatuh hanya karna orang lain yang ingin menjatuhkanmu.
Hati, jika kau tlah lelah pada perilaku orang lain, bersandarlah pada Tuhan yang menciptakanmu. Jangan pernah nodai dengan dendammu, dan kebencianmu.
Hati, ingatlah selalu orang yang mencintai kekurangan dan kelebihanmu. Abaikan orang-orang yang hanya ingin merusakmu. Mereka hanya segelintir orang yang mencintai kelebihanmu saja namun tak tahu bagaimana caranya untuk menyampaikannya padamu. Masih banyak orang-orang yang lebih tulus mencintai kekurangan dan kelebihanmu.
Maka, jadilah kuat untuk dirimu sendiri dan orang yang mencintaimu

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Contac Us

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Saturday, August 6, 2016


Gerund adalah suatu kata yang dibentuk dari verb (kata kerja) dengan ditambahkan suffix (akhiran) ing dan berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda).
A. The Use Of Gerund
    - Subject of a sentence
    - Direct Object
    - Subject Complement
    - Object of a preposition
    - Appositive

*Subject of a sentence
- Swimming is a good sport
- Studying is a must for every student
- Drawing is Dinda's hobby
Note: swimming, studying, and drawing are the subject of the sentences

*Direct Object
- I hate loving you so much
- You love sleeping in my room
- She misses having dinner with her boy friend
Note: loving, sleeping, and having are the direct object of the verb in each sentence

*Subject Complement
- Your hobby is singing
- My job is teaching
- What Anas wants is eating
Note: singing, teaching, and eating are the subject complement dari kata kerja is

*Object of a preposition
- Jessica talk about winning speech competition
- Dude buys some fruits for giving to Alysa
- Andien is busy of caring you
Note: winning is the object of preposition "about", giving is the object of preposition "for", and caring is the object of preposition "of".

Our daily obligation, studying, has to be done everyday
-My favorite job, broadcasting, is very interesting
-Students weekly activity, gardening, gives so many benefits
Note : studying, broadcasting, and gardening are the appositives

About Me


Adi Kristi lahir di Brebes dan tinggal di Boyolali jateng. Salah satu mahasiswa aktif di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Surakarta, Jateng.

Facebook : Adi Kristi
Twitter     : @AdheKristi

Tentang :
Goresan Tanganku adalah blog sederhana yang membahas tentang segala hal, seperti pendidikan, tips dan trik, informasi mengenai kesehatan serta masih banyak lagi :D . Awal mula ngeblog pada tahun 2013 yang lalu, mengapa ngeblog? alasan pertama karna tertarik dan yang kedua adalah untuk memenuhi tugas kuliah yang mengharuskan untuk membuat blog, dan akhirnya ketagihan. Goresan Tanganku dibuat untuk berbagi pengalaman, pengetahuan kepada para Blogger di Indonesia maupun Blogther dimanapun kalian berada.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Active and Passive Voice

   1. Active Voice
Active voice verbs  are used when the subject is acting in a sentence.
- Cindy writes the novel.
“writes” is an active verb because it allows the subject to undertake an action.

2. Passive Voice
Passive voice verbs are used when the subject is being acted upon in a sentence.
- the novel is written by Cindy.
“is written” is considered as passive because they indicate that the subject (novel) is receiving an action.

1. Active voice
Subject + verb
Andi lands English book to Mira
Mr.Robert bought the ticket yesterday

2. Passive voice
Subject + be + past participle (verb 3)
The English book is landed to Mira by Andi
The ticket was bought by mr.Robert yesterday

What is the difference between active and passive voice?
Although both constructions are grammatically correct, the active voice is usually more effective in academic and business writing because it is simpler and more direct. The passive construction is effective only when the doer of the action is unknown or irrelevant.

The paper was torn by the child .
The ball was thrown to the beach.
The town was visited by foreigners.

Active voice verbs: Verbs that indicate the sentence’s subject as actively acting:
Davin hits the dog.
Passive voice verbs: Verbs that indicate the sentence’s subject as being acted upon:
The dog was hit by Davin